Should You Iron Your Bed Sheets? Here’s how to do it Right!

Should you iron your bed sheets?

There is a great feeling of pleasure and comfort in getting between freshly laundered and pressed sheets. Bedding that looks pristine and neat gives the bedroom a professional looking finish. It also gives guest room bedrooms that aren’t used frequently a luxury feel.

Certain fabric will crease more than others. If you hate the idea of having to iron your sheets every time you wash them, avoid 100% cotton and linen. Instead, go for a cotton-polyester blend which will be easier to iron and less likely to crease in the first place.

Wash your bed linen according to the care labels, and use a fabric softener which will keep each fibre smooth and soft, prolonging the life of each item. Iron your sheets and duvet covers whilst they are still slightly damp. Fold the bed linen before ironing to create sharp creases.

Here we will discuss how to use a Domena MAC5 steam ironing press to press your bed linen.

With a Domena MAC5 steam ironing press you can iron comfortably, standing up at a counter, or sitting at a table whilst watching TV, hence eliminating backache and boredom of using a conventional iron.

These steam presses have a pressing bed that it equivalent to the size of 5 traditional irons! This large space means that you can press more area of your bed sheets at one time.

The pressing handle is comfortable and ergonomic, therefore,  the operating the steam ironing press top plate to press is consequently easy and lightweight.

Domena MAC5 Steam ironing press

The hottest setting of the thermostat is linen (roughly 230 c). This is too hot for cotton sheets, so you would set the thermostat to cotton (roughly 204 c).

With its automatic and wide-angle opening, you can fit a whole sheet at the back of the steam press is readiness for pressing.

Prepare you sheets by folding length-ways. The Domena MAC5 steam presses can cope with pressing at least 4 layers of fabric, making the job of pressing your bed linen very fast.

Fold the sheet / duvet cover into the back of the press in a concertina manner – there is plenty of room.

Bring a section of the sheet forward onto the pressing bed. Next, lower the handle to half way – this will bring the steam function into action. Let the steam penetrate the fabric for about 5 seconds. Lower the handle fully and press away. Pull the pressed part of the sheet forward onto your lap and pull the next layer onto the pressing bed.

Domena MAC5 steam ironing press

The SP4400 steam ironing press features a finishing table,which provides a particularly increased ironing surface and makes the folding of the linen much easier, especially for large items.

Lift the table upwards and you can fold your linen. Putting back into ironing position is easy.


Linen is folded out of heating space so risk of burning is avoided as the hands are away from the heating plate.

Continue in this way until you have finished. Now you can enjoy a fresh, crisp professional finish to your bedding.

Find out more about Domena MAC5 steam ironing presses here.
